Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rapunzel Hair

Today I'm writing about my hair.

You see, somehow, without my knowledge, may hair has turned into the longest thing ever. I mean, obviously it happened gradually. It's not like your hair magically sprouts to twice its length overnight. Since I wear my hair up all the time at work, I never noticed. You see, in my minds eye, my hair is quite short. I had a very short haircut for a long time. It looked like this (please excuse my 18 year old dumbo face):

It was a fitting look for a long time, but I eventually got bored of it. I let it grow a little longer, and I had to start wearing it up at work. It was great for Sarah Palin impressions.

It barely hit my shoulders, it was an easy length and I could do plenty with it. I liked it. Sometime after this point, I had this crazy idea that I wanted mermaid hair. I also forgot all about the hair salon. It's been since JUNE 2009 since I've gotten my haircut! 

It's turned into this BIG, long, thick, rope of a hairdo. Seriously, I can't even use a brush in it. I have to use a wide-tooth comb. I break all my brushes. If I curl it, I need two sets of hot rollers. If I color it, I will no longer be able to do it at home. I'm going to have to go in and pay eleven thousand dollars (not really, I'm just used to paying under $10).

I have never felt my hair tickle the back of my arm before- but it does that now if my sleeves are short. I break ponytail holders every day.

When I was little, I used to be jealous of Rapunzel. My mom always gave me these crazy mullet or bowl haircuts. I just wanted some beautiful, flowing, long hair. It didn't matter that she was locked in a tower, or that she probably spent all her time brushing and conditioning. WELL I WAS WRONG.


If I were Rapunzel, I'd go Britney on everyone and buzz it off. Then I'd whack the witch who captured me with an umbrella and escape. THE END.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The First Post EVER.

Well, I decided to start blogging my doings and stuff. Not that anything really interesting happens to me. But we'll see how this goes.

Okay, so the first thing I'm going to talk about is how I TOTALLY GOT SHAFTED on a post on a fashion community. I don't post often because the majority of what I wear are coffee stained polos. I had a chance to wear real clothes because I went out to eat for my wonderful grandma's birthday. (She turned 84, by the way. So, I posted my outfit. They rejected it because "jeans really cheapen the look." ....... ITS A CASUAL/NICE LOOK. I wasn't like... going to prom! I was irritated. Anyway, here's a couple pictures of my outfit:

Anyway, I'm still bitter about it. I felt jeans were very appropriate for the venue and the outfit. What else would I have worn with this? Seriously.

In other news, I applied to the University of Wisconsin-Superior. I would LOVE to live on Lake Superior. And go to school there. We'll see, hopefully they accept me. I just know I'm done with all of this stupid coffee shop crap. As much as I enjoy the work, I'm getting kind of done with the fact that I can't make any money. Time to take out a bunch of loans and see how it goes!

Now I'm going to go keep myself warm as it's FREEZING outside and my mom left all the windows open. Don't get me wrong, I love this weather- high of 59, windy, cloudy, all autumny... But I'm cold. Seriously, close the windows.